CEO of the New Rock Quarry

Meet Colin Oerton and his wife, Elizabeth.  Colin is the CEO of VantaCore Partners, the investment bankers out of New York City who want to build their first quarry here in McMinn County with a massive 421-acre quarry off Bowater Road. (Thanks to the reader who passed this along, you're right, not sure he looks like the quarry operator type)


  1. Fisherman11:08 AM

    Has anyone looked at the Vantacore on the internet? They do not operate quarries? They BUY and SELL quarries......Oh my lord...... and we are going to let them open the largest quarry in Tennessee in our back yard?????? How can this be?

  2. ny investors = mcminn co. gets screwed

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    i think the publisher of this website needs to check their details on VantaCore. it does not buy and sell quarries its an operator.

    Also why is no-one mentioning the Vulcan quarry in Cleveland which operates in exactly the same way as this quarry will operate, is that quarry somehow different?

  4. Peek-a-boo. The investors at the Calhoun meeting said they are in no way affiliated with VantaCore. Hmmmm

  5. Lucille3:07 PM

    Shame on you folk for judging a person by their physical appearance. Would it make you feel better if he was in a hover round power chair? Would you make fun of that too?

  6. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I would like to know who is playing the racism card in this blog. This is an inflamatory photo and has nothing to do with the issue. SHAME ON YOU! Please don't parade around wearing your Christian hats and try to play on bigotry with this photo. What does it have to do with the quarry? Would it be different if they were Caucasians wearing Confederate T-shirts? I am embarrassed to be from this area with this degree of bigotry, narcissism and ignorance.

  7. Anonymous2:06 PM

    It's a pic of the CEO at Vantacore - you're the only one seeing racism and you're the one that's ignorant.

  8. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I think they are a very sexy couple. I like them.

  9. Anonymous6:12 PM

    that animal print shirt is something else...
