The Quarry Pictured on Our Site

The developers made a big deal tonight about the picture of the quarry along the waterway, and how "misleading" it is. As we've said from the beginning, this is not the site in Calhoun...yet. The developers said this quarry was "probably from Europe somewhere", and was "massive" compared to their quarry.

Well, we are sorry to inform the developers this quarry is from the good old U.S. of A. This is a rock quarry in San Rafael, California. The "pit" of the San Rafael quarry started small and is currently roughly 50 acres, and the entire site is just over 500 acres. The "pit" for the Calhoun quarry will be 40 acres, and Ross Tarver said his quarry property he is selling is over 500 acres (although, to be fair to Mr. Tarver, only 421 acres will be in the "affected area" according to his application).

So yes, while the picture above is not exactly what Calhoun's new quarry will look like, it is very close, off by 10 acres.

For another picture, click here


  1. Local Fisherman10:16 AM

    Who are they kidding. This is EXACTLY what it will look like. Type the words "limestone quarry" into google and take a look for yourself. These new yorker's think we are fools.

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    for those interested this quarry is over 100 years old and is located 1000 feet from multi million dollar homes and swimming pools. clearly blasting is possible without damage to these properties

  3. Anonymous7:02 PM is located north of San Francisco bay and easy to find on google maps

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    why did the quarry objectors not choose the local quarries that were shown by the developers, are these not sensational enough????

  5. The local quarries are huge as well (and notice how much more destruction they do to the environment than just the "pit" the developers keep focusing on). But the local quarries are not near a body of water like this one. Townhill handed out those maps for everyone, and the funniest part was that his quarry, outlined in yellow, is much bigger than the others, and nearly twice the size of all of Calhoun proper. Staple a few "fun facts" about how much rocks we all use per year and you've got yourself a PR plan. Good luck, boys.

  6. PS, those multi-million dollar homes came after the San Rafael quarry and are likely on city water, not wells. Can't fault a quarry if the people came afterwards, but you can fault the quarry if they come into an existing area and destroy it for the homes that are already there, to say nothing of the river.

  7. Nice Try8:08 PM

    If anyone believes the developers (who are posting on here anonymously, ironically enough) when they say those homes co-exist with the San Rafael quarry, take another look:

  8. Jobs in the community8:41 PM

    the only group who are hiding are the individuals that hide behind this website. The developers appeared at the Calhoun meeting, but when asked to speak up these consultants/environmentallists/neighbors didnt want to reveal themselves, is there something to hide, why dont you want to be known....

  9. The way Gary Barham cuts them off and shouts at people who are against his pet project, it's no wonder people are scared to come forward. The website may be full of anonymous posts (like yours), but it at least it has the facts. Another fact: no one would have known about this project unless the people behind the website had bothered to notify us.

  10. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Not having been born here, but living here for the last almost 20 years, gives me a unique perspective. I have been able to deal with this type of element before. People like this travel from area to area looking for problems to get involved in. They are looking for a way to raise a little rabble and make money off of problems they themselves cause, whether through payoffs, lawsuits or whatever. I will not leave this anonymous like others, let the chips fall where they may. Rhino

  11. Tyrone12:10 AM

    Everyone I have talked to is in favor of this quarry. Its sad that all you people do is make negative remarks about it. How come none of you have anything positive to say? Is your glass always half empty? Mine is always half full....
