Future of Quarry Called Into Question

Tax-Payer Funded Driveway Denied

The Citizens Against the McMinn Co. Quarry recently learned the quarry developers have applied for state and local tax-dollars to be used for a private driveway to connect their quarry to Bowater Road. In this application they suggest purchasing all the right-of-way property, engineering, environmental studies will be paid for by TDOT (the state) and the locality (Calhoun).

But according to a recent email inquiry by one of our group leaders, it appears the developers will not, in fact, receive a permit from TDOT.

The developers were applying for TDOT's State Industrial Access (SIA) program, which is designed for industrial parks, manufacturing centers, and multiple industrial uses. It was not intended for rock quarries. This explains why Avenrock (formerly East Tennessee Materials) has added "ready mix concrete" and "brick manufacturing" to their application - they were hoping to "manufacture" something to skirt around the intention of the state and locally funded grant program. Luckily for us, TDOT officials were able to see thru this ruse.

We believe that without this road, the quarry developers will not be able to safely develop this quarry.

(One other note - Mr. Sutherland states the city of Calhoun would actually be the applicant even though Mayor Gary Barham claims Calhoun has no control over the quarry.)

See below email exchange between one of our committee members and Chester Sutherland of TDOT:


Mr. Sutherland has responded to you inquiry.


Eddie Jackson TDOT Legal

>>> Chester Sutherland 10/7/2010 9:21 PM >>>

My responses are below in blue.

Is the application complete? Yes, this is how it was submitted. Had this project actually moved further into consideration additional data would have been completed.

There was no Certified Resolution accompanying the application. Has this not been addressed by the local government? No, at this stage it is not necessary.

The TDEC application drawings show the proposed industrial highway intersecting the Bowater Road at a different location. Which is correct? The yellow dashed line would be the requested roadway.

The TDEC application lists East Tennessee Materials as the applicant and the SIA application lists Avenrock Materials as the applicant. Which is correct? Avenrock Industries would be the industry served. The City of Calhoun would actually be the applicant.

Was a field review performed? Yes If so, by whom? The initial field review consisted of Chester Sutherland TDOT, Chuck Hammond SETDD, Jack Hammondtree McMinn County representative and two other gentlemen with a development company, I will have to check and get their names.

What are the remaining steps needed for East Tennessee Materials (Avenrock) to obtain approval? The industry as described in the application is a quarry and this type of industry does not qualify for the SIA program.

Thank you,

Chester Sutherland
Project Management Division
Region II, Chattanooga
office: 423-510-1229
fax: 423-855-8653


  1. Incredible. Now they have their hand out asking for our money? Can the post-er please clarify what this grant is (how much, etc) and what it was exactly they were asking for? Also, it appears TDOT has ruled against granting this "application", but does anyone know if a rejection letter has been sent (ie. is it official)?

    Nancy W

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I live on Bowater, on 967. My wife and children go to school in Cleveland. We travel this road 4 times a day. My son goes to Cub Scouts in Calhoun. I have been deployed overseas, and am going back. The Bowater logging trucks, and now this proposed dump trucks scare me worse than being deployed. Bowater or this rock quarry will kill! We must stop them. Incidentally, my mother-in-law's property borders Martin Marietta Rock quarry in Hickory, NC. My father-in-law fought that rock quarry for years due to the damages to his property. He passed away just over 2 years ago. Now my mother-in-law has just given up trying to fight them. They are too big of a corporation to fight, like Bowater. Don't let these big corporations do what they've done to my in-laws. Together we can make them go elsewhere. Have you noticed the greed of the corporation and few men who will stand to benefit from this. They entice us with proposed job growth. That's a lie. They will be the only one's to benefit. Lastly, go to John Gentry, who most of us know personally, and tell him to make known his own personal opposition to this proposed travesty!
